Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010 - Michelle

Last week I started the week with a sinking feeling. I didn't know why, I just didn't think it would be a good. Unfortunately, my feeling proved to be somewhat true.

This week we've been meeting with DJs. Our original DJ seems to have flaked out on us, and so we're moving on. Basically, we had a DJ we loved, and he ended up being unavailable on our date, so he recommended some more DJs to us. We talked to them, and put a deposit down with one of them. The kid (he's younger than my brother, which we didn't know until this past week) is in school at ISU, and hasn't returned voicemails or emails. I tried to get a hold of him on Facebook, and he ignored that too. He finally returned Adam's call, and Adam didn't call him right back, but did call the kid's uncle (the original DJ) and basically told him what was going on. The uncle calls the kid, the kid calls us back and starts giving us all sorts of excuses (he doesn't check that email - though it's the only one he gave us, maybe there's something wrong with his email - it's yahoo, and he didn't get our voicemails). We learned our lesson and met with 4 DJs this week, and we have 3 more next week.

So DJ's:
DJ 1: He was nice, but a salesman. His company has awesome "extras" but of course the extras all cost more - WAY more. Though we liked his style, and we liked what his company could offer.
DJ 2: We wanted to like this guy more than we did. Seemed like an all-around NICE guy. Told us how he was doing this full-time after he got laid off from his job. But definitely seems more like a guy we'd like to hang out with at a bar than a guy we'd want to DJ our wedding.
DJ 3: So far our front-runner. Matter-of-fact, personable, and his company does weddings in way we like - we can have as much control or as little control of the music as we want.
DJ 4: Seemed nice enough, but wasn't impressed by much of anything he said, and didn't seem entirely prepared.

We have 3 more we're meeting this week, and then we'll make a decision. YIKES!

Then the hall: We're trying to make a tasting appt with the hall. Well, evidently they don't like that we want to taste more than one dish, so they want to charge us for the other ones. Moreover, they don't want to do them all at one time, they would prefer that we come out each time they have a wedding that is offering that dish. Adam went back and forth with their coordinator, and the owner (who we booked through) and so we're meeting with the owner on Thursday after work. YIKES! I am hoping we can get this straightened out - I DO NOT want to have to try to find a hall this late in the game, especially because we booked ours about 2 weeks after we got engaged.

So that's the drama for this week. We went to pre-cana today, so we're ready for the church. That reminds me that I need to get confirmation of me having my first Confirmation...I need that before we can meet with Fr. Tom again. 'Round and 'round we go...

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