Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009 -- Michelle

Last night Rachel and I went to the Melting Pot for dinner. On a whim, I decided to check out the website. I THEN found out it was a bridal show night! No, Rachel didn't want to surprise me, just a happy coincidence. :)
We ended up getting there a little early and checking out the show. We met a florist, a baker, a photographer, etc. It was fun, but it really just cemented that I have to really get to know the people we are going to be working with. Some of the people were great, others weren't, and I know they may have great websites, but you realize how important personality is.
I think I have finally settled on a black/white/jewel tones color scheme. As Rachel pointed out, it is something I have wanted for a long time. I think the more choices I have (and there are a lot!) the more times I will change my mind and I just need to remember what I have ALWAYS wanted. I don't want to look back at this wedding and think "We should have..." at any point.
Otherwise, just trying to get ideas together. We may not have made decisions, but it's still fun to talk about the things we COULD do.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009 -- Michelle

Yesterday Sarah came by and we dropped off the second installment of the deposit for the country club. It was set up for another wedding so we went and peeked. It looked GREAT. Seeing it set up like that made it a whole lot easier to visualize it being OUR reception. The tables were set, the placecard table was set, the guestbook was set, it was really nice to see how they set it all up.

My debate now is that I want my bridesmaids to wear black, but we need some color. I am not really sure how I feel about black with fall colors (gold/orange/red), but I don't know that I really want to do brown/bronze for the bridesmaids. I am now wrestling with all of that.

We went to Target and did some registering today. The gun they give you is very strange, and it kept ringing things up that we weren't registering for. Example: we were trying to register for towels and it registered us for Gerber Onesies, 3-6 mo. Uh, no. That's not coming for a while. I think we went a little gangbusters putting stuff (like towels) on there, but it's easy enough to change that stuff online.

Otherwise, same ol' same ol'. I am trying to hold off so as not to get too much planned. So far that strategy is working.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 2009

538 days! It seems like a million though. I know the extra time will keep me from freaking out and rushing into making decisions I wouldn't normally make, but I like instant gratification! (Though, really, after dating Adam I think we all know I will wait forever).

Looking at save the dates and invitations. It would really help if I could decide on a color scheme. I think I am settled that my bridesmaids will wear black, but then I am in the air if the flowers should be white or be colored. I like black/white/red combos (and black/white/pink but I don't know if I can talk Adam into that). Since it will be early fall, I would kind of like to go with the oranges, golds and reds of the season.

This whole experience is just a lot to handle. Adam has been SMART enough to not really argue with me unless he has a strong opinion (remind me to thank Betsy for buying him that book that told him to do that), but at the same time I can come up with a million ideas and it's hard to narrow them down. I think that's the biggest challenge I am having right now: EVERYTHING is a possibility, but what is realistic?

Now that we have the hall booked, I feel so much better. I think I had a bit of a spaz attack because it is the single biggest commitment we are making for this wedding (besides to each other, but whatever :) , but now I can think of flowers and centerpieces and table seating and all of that good stuff. I am also thinking of themes (not necessarily to be incorporated into the invites, but for naming tables) and it's getting very exciting. I am really ready for this and trying to not get ahead of myself or get myself too wrapped up in things (like my last couple of blogs probably indicated).

I am ready for Adam to come home now.