Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 2009

538 days! It seems like a million though. I know the extra time will keep me from freaking out and rushing into making decisions I wouldn't normally make, but I like instant gratification! (Though, really, after dating Adam I think we all know I will wait forever).

Looking at save the dates and invitations. It would really help if I could decide on a color scheme. I think I am settled that my bridesmaids will wear black, but then I am in the air if the flowers should be white or be colored. I like black/white/red combos (and black/white/pink but I don't know if I can talk Adam into that). Since it will be early fall, I would kind of like to go with the oranges, golds and reds of the season.

This whole experience is just a lot to handle. Adam has been SMART enough to not really argue with me unless he has a strong opinion (remind me to thank Betsy for buying him that book that told him to do that), but at the same time I can come up with a million ideas and it's hard to narrow them down. I think that's the biggest challenge I am having right now: EVERYTHING is a possibility, but what is realistic?

Now that we have the hall booked, I feel so much better. I think I had a bit of a spaz attack because it is the single biggest commitment we are making for this wedding (besides to each other, but whatever :) , but now I can think of flowers and centerpieces and table seating and all of that good stuff. I am also thinking of themes (not necessarily to be incorporated into the invites, but for naming tables) and it's getting very exciting. I am really ready for this and trying to not get ahead of myself or get myself too wrapped up in things (like my last couple of blogs probably indicated).

I am ready for Adam to come home now.

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